by Northwest Justice Forum

Donations and sponsorships help defray the costs associated with hosting this event including bringing in quality experts to speak, offering scholarships, keeping registration rates low, and providing discounts to non-profit organizations and students.

Restorative Justice: Inviting Every Voice
The Northwest Justice Forum fosters the gathering of individuals committed to, or interested in learning about the principles and values of Restorative Justice. We gather to increase understanding, share practical application, ensure cultural inclusion, and explore theoretical implications of living and working restoratively in the Northwest.

The 15th annual Northwest Justice Forum will take place this year on June 25-27, 2019 at Multnomah University in Portland, Oregon. The event expects to draw over 200 attendees. The theme for for 2019 (Restorative Justice: Inviting Every Voice) will explore three key focus areas: 1. Racial Equity, 2. Strengthening Community Partnerships, and 3. Responding to Victims' Voices.

Generous donors like you make it possible for the Northwest Justice Forum to keep this annual conference financially accessible to as many people as possible. Donations and sponsorships help defray the cost associated with hosting this annual event, including bringing quality and expert speakers to the Northwest, offering scholarships, keeping registration rates low, and providing discounts to non-profit organizations and students. The Northwest Justice Forum, in concert with fiscal sponsor SocialGood, is seeking tax-deductible contributions to support a successful conference in 2019.

If you have any questions or need further information, please visit nwjusticeforum.com/support-the-forum/become-a-sponsor.